Monday, May 16, 2011

A decision for revision

So, this is not a revoking of my resolution but an alteration. After looking over the prompts I've determined the prompts are better fit to be used in my journal. So I'm going to use them to write in my journal and share progress I've made or perhaps share one response to a prompt that I feel compelled to share.

Finally making a resolution

Seeing as I haven't posted since 2010, which means I also haven't posted a New Year's Resolution, I figured it's about time to get back to my blog and maybe think about making one that is blog-related.

When I arrived home after finals this weekend, I managed to make my room a hazard zone in which my cat cannot roam without supervision. During the explosion, I spent some time sifting through collections of old papers I wrote and handouts I had saved from years ago. One packet I found, which I didn't remember ever having to begin with, was a photocopied calendar handout from featuring an inspiration or prompt to WRITE something.

So even though it's almost halfway through 2011, I'm starting my resolution now and it will hopefully continue through this time next year: a 365 day blogging journey to go through each day and every prompt.

Tomorrow's preview: May 17 "Go out on the town tonight, but carry a notebook with you. Write down any intriguing turns of phrases, jokes or ideas that you encounter."