Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"HUGE" problem

While spastically changing T.V. channels tonight with hopes of finding something worth watching, I saw previews for a new show coming soon to ABC Family... it's called "HUGE" and the impression I got wasn't a good one. Yes, I believe full-heartedly that the portrayal of anorexic women is not something to aspire to in order to be happy. But being happy (and healthy) doesn't mean accepting obesity either.

While the show might be sending a message of being happy with your image in a diverse world, I don't think that it is sending a healthy message to younger children who are probably watching the ABC Family station. Being overweight can cause numerous physical and medical issues in children and adults of every age. I'm not saying that everyone should go on a "Biggest Loser" frenzy, but young kids don't necessarily realize the difficulties they would face if they were to become overweight.

Thousands of people learn unhealthy habits of overeating and regularly consuming fast food from a very young age, habits that continue throughout their lives leading them to be overweight and nutritionally lacking. When children see a message that shows them that being heavy is "OK" how will they know any better when it comes to nutrition and health?

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