Friday, November 26, 2010

A Traditional Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is a day to spend with family and friends to give thanks for the blessings we have had during the year and for people that are particularly meaningful to us. Along with those traditions, most Amerians also know the "traditional" Thanksgiving dinner that revolves around turkey and includes stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, maybe some green beans and, of course, plenty of pumpkin and apple pie for dessert.

Every year when I was growing up my family followed the traditional Thanksgiving meal, either hosting the day at our house or going to other family members' houses. This year, a few weeks before Thanksgiving Day, my parents informed me that we would be having Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant. I wasn't quite sure what to think. First I thought, "Well that's fine... I won't have to do much as far as helping to cook." Then I started to think, "Wait, what about everything we only make just for Thanksgiving... I'm going to miss out on mom's candied sweet potatoes!" I started to panic. This was going to be a disaster. Who goes out to eat on Thanksgiving?!

Not only was I a little anxious about the change my family was making but I began to worry what other people were going to think; I instantly assumed that people would judge me and my family for this choice to not hold a "traditional" Thanksgiving. Some of my friends found it strange and this added to my anxiety about what we were doing.

At the restaurant I began to understand that it really was not such a big deal. In fact, I accepted that what my family was doing was OK. Aside from the fact that I haven't eaten meat since July, I had never been a big fan of turkey. So when I got my plate of diver scallops with mushroom risotto and asparagus I knew I wasn't missing out on that much. A couple of my family members ordered the restaurant's turkey dinner special but the rest embraced our Italian taste buds and indulged in seafood, other meats and pasta.

My family did come back to my house for desserts and oh did we indulge in pumpkin, apple, pecan and chocolate cream pies. At the end of the night, I was happy with our Thanksgiving because even though we strayed from what we had done every year before, our eating habits didn't change the fact that we spent the day together giving thanks for our health and each others company.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Politician Promotions: On Putting Yourself in a Positive Light

We're all well acquainted with the vast amounts of propaganda that surround political races, especially at this time of the year. The television and radio clips that seem to fall into two extreme categories: completely bashing an opponent or promoting one's self.

Choices that these candidates have made in the past are most definitely going to affect how they feel about certain issues. However, "judging a book by its cover" comes into play here and brings up the fact that you can't judge a person solely on their past actions or inactions. A commercial that spends 28 seconds claiming that candidate A doesn't support ______ and has worked hard to fight against ______ followed by two seconds of, "I'm candidate B and I support this message," does not make me want to vote for either of these candidates. First, it makes me want to research candidate A and look into what his or her past mistakes really were and what he or she is planning on doing differently now and in the future. Second, why would a commercial completely bashing candidate A and saying absolutely nothing about candidate B encourage me to vote for candidate B?

I have to give lots of credit to those candidates who choose to utilize their full 30 seconds by promoting themselves. By talking about their own mistakes and communicating how they plan to work on certain issues, they are putting themselves in a very high position. In my opinion, if you are a good enough candidate you should not have to put down everyone else in order to make yourself look good. You should be able to run on the appeal of your characteristics alone.

Friday, September 3, 2010

20 Things I've Accomplished Since Turning 20: #3

Yesterday I successfully completed RA training! Yay! It was an interesting two weeks, that's for sure! I learned all of the rules and regulations of our lovely campus and participated in all sorts of skits and activities. I stepped out of my comfort zone and attempted all sorts of new things all while meeting some pretty great people.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Honey, put that away. Nobody wants to see it.

Last night I experienced my first trip to a club. It really was everything I imagined. And much, much more. Take any high school dance scenario, cut the dresses shorter, add alcohol and allow high-out-of-their-minds older men to enter and presto, you've entered a hip club.

Don't get me wrong, it's great to be a sexy young girl. But when I see body parts that I did not intend to see, something isn't right. Maybe I'm naive or maybe I just don't get it. I feel like a club should allow you to have fun and dance the night away, not wear something you would have fit into when you were five years old and shake everything in a way that blatantly says you're asking for it. In my opinion, go to a strip club. Really.

And having that said, there really were not any guys in the entire place that were worth impressing. I have never seen more sketchballs in my entire life all congregated in one room. They literally stood in a giant circle around the dance floor, drinks in hand, visually raping every girl.

I did enjoy myself, but without a drink in hand or a barrier between me and the creeps it got a little old pretty fast.

Monday, August 16, 2010

20 Things I've Accomplished Since Turning 20: #2

So this definitely isn't anything award-worthy. But as it was a first for me, I found it pretty exciting. Just a week ago I got an e-mail from Amazon. That's pretty normal... I get them on a regular basis, advertisements for new items that I might like to buy. This particular e-mail, though, was different. This e-mail was an announcement telling me that I a textbook that I had posted had just sold!

Yes, I can hear you rolling your eyes at me. But I've never sold anything online before! So I went through all of the steps of packaging, shipping, tracking and confirming the book and today I received the payment. SO cool.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Please Whistle Elsewhere

So first, I must apologize yet again for my lack to follow through with my promise to be more consistent about writing on a regular basis, but this time there is good reason! (Perhaps this blog will turn into a long list of excuses...)

Due to my lack of internet... gasp... I have not been able to do my faithful duty of writing. I suppose that I could have made the 10 second walk to the "WiFi" area a little sooner, but I was quite busy, sprawling on a chair in the sun, forming tan lines and reading as much as I possibly could.

Onward to today's topic. While gaining internet access, signing into my e-mail and Facebook accounts and catching up on everything that I've chosen to avoid for the past week, I endured the most awful whistling. Starting out, it was not quite bad. However, after you hear a not-so-musical-man whistle the same 15 second portion of Seal's Kiss from a Rose, it starts to get just a little bit old.

After about a minute, I glanced up from my laptop to see just who was whistling to himself. He took no notice of my annoyance after a second glance another minute later. After three minutes, it was as if he was intentionally trying to make anyone in a mile radius glare at him in disgust. Which I did. And so I therefore [silently] say, "Please whistle elsewhere!"

As a side note, happy Friday the 13th.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A financial and social survival guide for college freshmen

I'm going to be a published writer in a newsletter for my job! Super neat-o. Here's the article I wrote:

As the summer comes to a close many of us are thinking about the start of another school year. Whether as a student, teacher or parent we are all anticipating school in some way. The 2010-2011 school year will surely bring changes and new experiences for everyone heading back to classes, especially for new college students. Making the switch from high school to college can be one of the most unnerving and exciting transitions.

Here is some advice for adapting to a new social environment as well as some tips for making and managing money while away at school!

Many colleges and universities have campus or local job fairs within the first couple weeks after students arrive for the fall semester. It is important to be aware of this and take advantage of what is available to you. Make sure to attend and apply for jobs that interest you. If you are living on campus, having a job on campus is convenient because you can easily schedule hours between classes and you don’t need to have access to a car in order to get to your job.

If your job—on or off campus—offers direct deposit, sign up! With this in place your paychecks will be going directly into your account to start saving instead of into your pocket where you’ll be more tempted to spend them. Keep track of money in your account and the cash you carry around with you. Be aware when you’re getting low on cash or near overdrawing with your debit card so that you can avoid getting hit with overdraft fees as well. Spending a few dollars here and there, buying coffee on your way to class and pizza or calzones with your friends at 2 a.m. may not seem like a lot, but these little splurges add up.

While you are handling your income and spending, adjusting to a new social environment is just as important at college. Skipping early morning classes and sleeping the day away is tempting, but it is important not to get lazy just because mom or dad isn’t there to wake you up in the morning. If you aren’t a morning person, you’ll learn very quickly that you don’t want to take an 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. class so make your schedule so that you can get to class without any trouble.

The “freshman 15” is a phrase we all cringe to hear, but with a little self discipline it is easy to avoid gaining the pounds. College parties, dining halls and dorm room snacks have the potential to bring your calorie intake to an entirely different level. But by eating normally and working in some exercise every day you’ll be able to keep that extra fifteen pounds away!

Also, don’t get caught up playing video games alone or with your roommate in your dorm. Get out and meet people in your hall, join clubs, go to concerts and explore the campus and the area. Being involved will keep you busy and will lead the way for all sorts of opportunities. Enjoy everything that your school has to offer and you will get the most out of your college experience.

On being a shameful slacker and perfectionist

So despite my attempts to be on top of this blog and write two or three times a week, I have already fallen into a semi-slump. Avoiding blogger for about half a month has proved me a slacker and has produced nothing but thoughts of blogs. My skewed perfectionist approach has let me down once again. It's shameful, I know.

Blog and potential blog readers: I apologize. New blogs are on their way, making the journey from sparks in my brain, through my fingers and magically appearing on your internet screen.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hello? Hello? (You're wasting money!) - A call from my cell phone bill

Although cell phones have made our everyday lives much easier in many ways, the ease doesn't always mean cost efficiency. My parents agreed to buy me my first cell phone in my early high school years, allowing me to pick out my very own "Tracfone" which operated through buying monthly minute cards and adding them by calling a certain number. At first, this was fine. But then I had to pay for my own minutes and when each text equaled .5 units and one minute equaled 1 unit, texts and chatting added up pretty quickly and I found myself spending more than I'd hoped.

So, I followed the masses and signed my name on a piece of paper that chained me to Verizon Wireless's talk and text plan. At first I was blinded by the so-called benefits: free night and weekend talk-time as well as unlimited talk and text with other Verizon users. Sounds pretty great, right? Yeah! Until you realize that your friends with Verizon are friends you don't talk to all that often and that you're paying more to have texting benefits with everyone else!

While I just loove Verizon (sarcasm? no, of course not), after a year and a half into my 2-year contract I've made the decision that I won't be renewing my contract. Instead, I will be going cell phone free and can be reached by mail pigeon or Facebook.

Just kidding. I'm probably going back to a prepaid phone plan (gasp). But definitely not the same one I had before. Upon searching, I found that a company called Virgin Mobile sells some pretty sweet phones and for over $30 less than with Verizon, I would be getting the same phone services and more! PLUS, there is no contract to sign my cellular-life away for two whole years.

Yay for saving money!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Horror Scene

I am the type of person who avoids most things that are stereotypically "scary" (dark rooms, horror films, walking alone at night...etc.)

Sometimes, I have no choice but to come face to face with my fears. Unfortunately, this happened twice last night. The first time while sitting on the floor in my living room and the second while looking at the calendar in my bedroom.

From the depths of somewhere in my house, an array of spiders always find their way out of spaces and around corners, crawling stealthily and speedily towards me. 95% of the time I am overcome with involuntary fright and an occasional scream in my attempts to relocate or squish.

The horror comes in one of three levels of seriousness:

1: Floor crawling > 2: Wall scaling > 3: Ceiling hanging

Level 1: For squishing, anything can be used! Which makes level 1 crawlers the least scary.

Level 2: While many things can be used for squishing, you must now take into account the color of the wall and whether or not you want the mark of the spider on the wall or a dent in the wall from whacking it too harshly.

Level 3: These spiders are the most horrific because they are most difficult to reach and they have the power of dropping themselves onto you or past you, therefore making an escape.

I'm sad to say that last night I had a Level 1 spider and a Level 2 spider. One was successfully squished. The other managed to jump past me and is now somewhere in my bedroom.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

20 Things I've Accomplished Since Turning 20: #1

Tonight I met with E1 and E2 (for the safety of minors I'm not disclosing their names), two little girls who are starting on the oboe! Not only was this their first lesson, but also my first time teaching anyone the oboe!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

NYC Adventures: Discoveries in the Subway and Beyond

Somewhere among the fashionable natives, the ever-so-interesting tourists, the illegal-bag-sellers and the men and women shoving pamphlets in everyone's faces, NYC offers plenty of smiles and surprises everywhere you turn.

the M&M store...

the Obama condoms (um.. what?.. signs advising you to visit
a beautiful waterfall on a random side street...

the spinning Snapple caps on 50th...
the best rice pudding you'll ever eat at Rice to Riches in Soho...

strange fruits in China Town...
amazing dinners and pastries in Little Italy...

three hours of talent and amusement at dozens of Broadway musicals and plays...
and even a glimpse at a unique display on the wall of a Subway stop...

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Faint stars kiss the sky
My heart is overflowing
The sun is bleeding

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"HUGE" problem

While spastically changing T.V. channels tonight with hopes of finding something worth watching, I saw previews for a new show coming soon to ABC Family... it's called "HUGE" and the impression I got wasn't a good one. Yes, I believe full-heartedly that the portrayal of anorexic women is not something to aspire to in order to be happy. But being happy (and healthy) doesn't mean accepting obesity either.

While the show might be sending a message of being happy with your image in a diverse world, I don't think that it is sending a healthy message to younger children who are probably watching the ABC Family station. Being overweight can cause numerous physical and medical issues in children and adults of every age. I'm not saying that everyone should go on a "Biggest Loser" frenzy, but young kids don't necessarily realize the difficulties they would face if they were to become overweight.

Thousands of people learn unhealthy habits of overeating and regularly consuming fast food from a very young age, habits that continue throughout their lives leading them to be overweight and nutritionally lacking. When children see a message that shows them that being heavy is "OK" how will they know any better when it comes to nutrition and health?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My "Beeeeachin" Weekend

I had a pretty packed weekend.. starting off with working on Saturday morning. I've got a pretty good summer job but for my first Saturday, it wasn't where I wanted to be. Afterwards I drove up to meet my boyfriend and we spent the rest of the day at the beach. The water was freezing but it was gorgeous weather. In the parking lot on our way out we saw this license plate:

We were going to eat at a place called Crazy Burger but the wait was super long so we drove to Iggys!

Sunday was a double whammy... Father's day and my mom's birthday. I bought my dad some scratch tickets and a tie and I bought my mom an antique bowl from the 60's.

We went to the mall and I was going to get another ear piercing but they didn't have any good earrings so I decided to wait. Then we went to the casino and I bought some Pandora charms and had dinner at an awesome Japanese restaurant.

WOO. sleepy time.

Friday, June 18, 2010

New beginnings

When I started my first blog, Giftastrophe, this past semester I knew I wanted to start my own personal blog outside of a course. I spent a few months thinking (aka procrastinating) about what I could possibly write about in a brand new blog. I finally decided that it was time to just jump in and see what would happen and where it would take me.

It will most likely be a collection of day-to-day rants, interesting facts and stories, thoughts and eureka ideas, posts on music as well as collections of my own poetry and fiction. Voila.

Needless to say, everything I write in this blog is MINE. If you steal it and claim it's your own I will find you and you will be sorry.

And if you don't like my blog, then don't read it... no one is forcing you! (Unless I'm sitting behind you right now, which might be possible.)